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Investment Choices

Investment Choices

NPS offers two types of investment choices Active Choice or Auto Choice.

Under Active choice, subscriber can choose to invest in below mentioned asset classes upto the maximum(%) mentioned against.

Asset classes (Funds) under NPSMaximum exposure allowed in the asset classInvestments
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Under Auto Choice (in both Tier I and Tier II), funds are invested across Equity, Corporate bonds and Government securities as per age of the subscriber. It’s also called as Lifecycle Fund. It is further bifurcated as per the equity exposure in each lifecycle fund into LC-75 Aggressive Lifecycle Fund, LC-50 Moderate Lifecycle Fund and LC-25 Conservative Lifecycle Fund.

Under each lifecycle fund, maximum equity exposure is allowed till 35 years of age of the subscriber and after 35 years, every year there’s an auto alignment of asset allocation and funds are moved from Equity to debts till the subscriber attains the age of 55 years of age.

After 55 years of age, asset allocation under the respective lifecycle fund shall remain constant till subscriber exercise the option to change the investment pattern.

    View your Portfolio's Asset Allocation
    Enter Your Age

    You can pick between three lifecycle options:

    • LC-25 (Conservative): up to 25% in Equity
    • LC-50 (Moderate): up to 50% in Equity
    • LC-75 (Aggressive): up to 75% in Equity

    Depending on your choice, your money will be invested in different classes as shown below:

    <=35 years75%10%15%50%30%20%25%45%30%
    36 years71%11%18%48%29%23%24%43%33%
    37 years67%12%21%46%28%26%23%41%36%
    38 years63%13%24%44%27%29%22%39%39%
    39 years59%14%27%42%26%32%21%37%42%
    40 years55%15%30%40%25%35%20%35%45%
    41 years51%16%33%38%24%38%19%33%48%
    42 years47%17%36%36%23%41%18%31%51%
    43 years43%18%39%34%22%44%17%29%54%
    44 years39%19%42%32%21%47%16%27%57%
    45 years35%20%45%30%20%50%15%25%60%
    46 years32%20%48%28%19%53%14%23%63%
    47 years29%20%51%26%18%56%13%21%66%
    48 years26%20%54%24%17%59%12%19%69%
    49 years23%20%57%22%16%62%11%17%72%
    50 years20%20%60%20%15%65%10%15%75%
    51 years19%18%63%18%14%68%9%13%78%
    52 years18%16%66%16%13%71%8%11%81%
    53 years17%14%69%14%12%74%7%9%84%
    54 years16%12%72%12%11%77%6%7%87%
    >=55 years15%10%75%10%10%80%5%5%90%

    Things to keep in mind:

    • Every year on your birthday, there will be a reallocation among the asset classes.
    • Only twice can you alter your preference at any point throughout the financial year.
    Subscribers can change their Pension Fund Manager once in a financial year and composition of assets once in a quarter.

    Pension Projector